Family Resources
Annual Events
For more information on any of our events, please call us at (203) 775-0140.
Open House
Prince of Peace Preschool hosts an hour long evening presentation in early October for parents and caregivers to learn about our programs, meet their student’s teachers, and visit the classrooms.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Twice a year parents/caregivers are provided the opportunity to meet their student’s teacher to set goals and discuss their child's progress and development. Conferences are scheduled during the school day and are 20 minutes in duration.
Fall conferences: Held the weeks of November 6 and 13, 2023
Spring conferences: Held the weeks of March 11 and 18, 2024
Holiday Sing-a-long
Each December families are invited to share in our Holiday Celebration and Singlong. This is a Prince of Peace favorite, and all family members (and extended family) are welcome to attend. Each class will have their own celebration time. The sing-a-longs are scheduled during the day and typically last for 30 minutes.
Portfolio Days
At the end of May and early June parents/caregivers are invited to Prince of Peace Preschool Portfolio Days. This is a special time set aside for each student to celebrate the student’s growth and development by reviewing a selection of the student’s work. This event is held during the school day and runs approximately 30 minutes for 3 year old classes and one hour for 4/5 year old classes.
Spring Art Show
Early each May, student artwork is displayed in Fellowship Hall. Families, caregivers, and extended families are invited to join us for an evening viewing of these student masterpieces.
Memorial Day Parade
Families and staff from Prince of Peace Preschool are invited to march in the Town of Brookfield’s Memorial Day Parade behind the Prince of Peace Preschool banner. The parade is generally held the Sunday prior to Memorial Day.